Deep Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a healthcare approach that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system, especially as they relate to the spine. The primary goal of chiropractic is to restore and improve the body’s overall function and well-being, as well as relieve pain and promote overall health. Below is a more detailed explanation of chiropractic from a scientific point of view:
Chiropractic is based on the premise that the central nervous system (made up of the brain and spinal cord) coordinates and controls all functions of the body. The vertebral column, which protects the spinal cord, plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the nervous system. If the spine is misaligned or dysfunctional, it can interfere with the proper transmission of nerve impulses, which can affect the function of organs, muscles, and tissues in general.


Chiropractors use a manual approach to evaluate and treat spine and joint disorders. The main technique used in chiropractic is the chiropractic adjustment, which involves applying controlled and precise force to specific joints to correct subluxations or spinal misalignments and restore normal movement.


Scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of chiropractic in the treatment of low back pain, neck pain, migraine, and certain musculoskeletal disorders. Several studies have shown that chiropractic adjustment can reduce pain, improve physical function, and promote recovery in patients with these conditions.

Additionally, chiropractic is associated with benefits beyond pain relief. Some studies suggest that chiropractic can improve nervous system function, posture, overall musculoskeletal health, and contribute to better sports performance and higher quality of life.
It is important to note that chiropractic is based on specific principles and techniques and is practiced by health professionals called chiropractors, who have received adequate training and are licensed to practice this discipline. As in any field of medicine, it is important to seek qualified and trusted professionals when seeking chiropractic treatment.
In summary, chiropractic is a scientific discipline that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders, especially as they relate to the spine. Chiropractic adjustments and other techniques used by chiropractors seek to restore proper alignment to the spine and promote the overall health and well-being of the body.

  • Bronfort, G., Haas, M., Evans, R., Leininger, B., & Triano, J. (2010). Effectiveness of manual therapies: The UK evidence report. Chiropractic & Osteopathy, 18(1), 3.
  • Bussières, A. E., Taylor, J. A., Peterson, C., Vavrek, D., Haas, M., & Hohl, M. (2012). -Manipulative therapy and spinal manipulative therapy A systematic review of effectiveness and harms. Ontario Health Technology Assessment Series, 12(2), 1-266.
  • Bishop, P. B., & Quon, J. A. (2015). Show me the money: A systematic review of cost-effectiveness studies of spinal manipulative therapy. Journal of -Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 38(9), 699-713.
  • Goertz, C. M., Long, C. R., Hondras, M. A., Petri, R., Delgado, R., Lawrence, D. J., … & Meeker, W. C. (2013). Adding chiropractic manipulative therapy to standard medical care for patients with acute low back pain: Results of a pragmatic randomized comparative effectiveness study. Spine, 38(8), 627-634.
  • Gross, A., Miller, J., D’Sylva, J., Burnie, S. J., Goldsmith, C. H., Graham, N.,… & Haines, T. (2010). Manipulation or mobilization for neck pain: A Cochrane Review. Manual Therapy, 15(4), 315-333.
  • Rubinstein, S. M., de Zoete, A., van Middelkoop, M., Assendelft, W. J., de Boer, M. R., van Tulder, M. W., & Riphagen, I. I. (2019). Benefits and harms of spinal manipulative therapy for the treatment of chronic low back pain: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMJ, 364, l689.
  • Hawk, C., Long, C. R., Boulanger, K. T., Morschhauser, E., Fuhr, A., & Evans, R. (2005). Chiropractic care for patients aged 55 years and older: Report from a practice-based research program. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 53(5), 921-935.